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Pandora-scopes for July 2024

The stars and planets are a wonderful guide for us here on earth. The movement of the planets can impact not only us personally, but also on a global scale. The following is a brief summary of the movements of the planets for the month of July.

  • July 2nd - Mercury in Leo

  • July 2nd - Neptune Retrograde

  • July 6th - Cancer New Moon

  • July 12th - Venus in Leo

  • July 21st - Capricorn Full Moon

  • July 21st - Mars in Gemini

  • July 22nd - Sun in Leo

  • July 26th - Mercury in Virgo

Read below to find out what the planets have in store for your sign during the seventh month of the year.

ARIES (March 20 - April 20)

Your home and family is highlighted during the month of July. The New Moon in Cancer falls on July 6th, making it the perfect time to start new projects around the home. When the Sun changes sign into Leo on July 22nd, your focus turns to fun and good times. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st brings a second opportunity to review your life direction and release any old goals that no are no longer in alignment with your dreams. Any issues to do with a parent can also be let go now. Mars, your ruling planet, starts the month off in slow Taurus and you spend the first few weeks feeling frustrated at the pace of life. When Mars moves into Gemini on July 21st, things pick up and life moves ahead more quickly. The asteroid Pandora continues her journey through Gemini, so the light continues to shine onto your sibling relationships. If you'd like to read more about the nature of Aries, click on the link below -

TAURUS (April 20 - May 21)

The month of July brings communication to the fore. Thoughts may also turn to your sibling relationships. The New Moon in Cancer falls on July 6th. This is the perfect time to start writing a journal or book. It's also a great time to start teaching or studying. When the Sun changes sign into Leo on July 22nd, your thoughts turn towards your home and family. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st brings a second opportunity to release old belief patterns. Release anything that is no longer in alignment with your values. Venus, your ruling planet, continues her transit through Cancer early in the month, which appeals to your sense of comfort. When she moves into Leo on July 12th, you embrace the hedonistic side of life. The asteroid Pandora continues her journey through Gemini, so the light remains on the value you place on yourself. If you'd like to read more about the nature of Taurus, click on the link -

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

For the first few weeks of July, issues to do with your self worth will come to the fore. The New Moon in Cancer falls on July 6th and is a wonderful opportunity to get your finances in order. Open a new bank account, start keeping track of how you spend your money and start a savings plan under this New Moon. When the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd, communication will be highlighted. The Full Moon falls in Capricorn for the second time this year on July 21st and brings the potential to release any uncomfortable, deep-seated feelings you might have been experiencing. On a practical level, it's also the perfect time to close any joint accounts that are no longer required. Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into the fixed sign of Leo on July 2nd, slowly life down. Things begin to move again when Mercury moves into Virgo on July 26th. The asteroid Pandora continues her journey through your sign, lighting up a journey of self exploration. If you'd like to read more about the nature of Gemini, just click on the link -

CANCER (June 20 - July 22)

The first few weeks of July is all about you! Your vitality should be high with the Sun in your sign. The New Moon in Cancer falls on July 6th and brings the opportunity for reinvention. Make changes to your physical appearance so you are in alignment with the real you. Your vitality will be extra strong during this time. When the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd, it's time to focus on your resourcefulness and your resources. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st brings a second opportunity to release any toxic feelings that may be present around your close relationships. The Moon is your ruling planet and this month the cosmos brings you the energy to achieve your dreams. This is a month of healing for you, if you are prepared to let go of the things that are holding you back. The asteroid Pandora continues her journey through Gemini, encouraging you to tap into your intuition. If you'd like to read more about the nature of Cancer, click on the link -

LEO (July 22 - August 23)

The first few weeks of July sees you stepping out of the light and into the shadows. Take some time out to reconnect with your inner self. The New Moon in Cancer falls on July 6th and brings the opportunity to connect on a spiritual level. Leo's love to be creative, so use this time to create an alter or spiritual place where you can spend some time in contemplation. When the Sun moves into your sign on July 22nd, you will be ready to take centre stage (somewhere Leo is very comfortable). The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st shines a light on your daily routine for the second time this year. Do you need to change things around? Are you in a productive pattern? Ask these questions and make further changes under this Moon. With the Sun as your ruler, your vitality will be high during the time of its dignity. However, before you get to this point, you need to rest up for the first few weeks of the month. Enjoy the period of flow when it arrives on July 22nd. The asteroid Pandora continues her journey through Gemini, encouraging you to focus on your wishes, hopes and dreams. If you'd like to read more about the nature of Leo, click on the link -

VIRGO (August 23 - September 23)

Your wishes, hopes and dreams are highlighted during the first few weeks of July. The New Moon in Cancer falls on July 6th and brings the opportunity to upgrade your home life. Take a look around you at this time and update what you can in order to feel abundant. Planting a new vegetable garden in the backyard is also a wonderful thing for Virgo's to do under this New Moon. When the Sun changes sign into Leo on July 22nd, it's time to retreat and reconnect with yourself on a more spiritual level. Spending time in nature will be good for you at this time. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st is the perfect time to release any further issues with children or lovers. Mercury, your ruling planet, spends most of the month in the sign of Leo, which may see you stuck for a time. When Mercury moves into your own sign on July 26th, life will flow and your vitality will increase. The asteroid Pandora continues her journey through Gemini, encouraging you to explore where you're headed in life. If you'd like to find out more about Virgo, just click on the link -

LIBRA (September 23 - October 23

Your career will be your main focus during the first few weeks of July. The New Moon in Cancer on July 6th is a great time to take steps towards a new life direction if you so desire. When the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd, your thoughts will turn to your friendships. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st is a great time to have a clean out around the home. The is the second Capricorn Full Moon this year, so continue to remove anything that is cluttering up your space. Venus, your ruling planet, continues to point your focus towards where you're headed in life. However, when she changes sign on July 12th, you use the time to focus on your hopes snd dreams. The asteroid Pandora continues her journey through Gemini, so your focus remains on your values and beliefs. Click on the link below to read more about Libra -

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 22)

Your values and beliefs will be forefront in your mind during the first few weeks of the month. The New Moon in Cancer on July 6th brings an opportunity to adopt new values that are in alignment with how you want to live your life. On a more mundane level, it's also a great time to book a holiday or expand your knowledge in some way. When the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd, your focus shifts to your life direction. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st is the second one for the year. Continue to get rid of old paperwork, course notes, receipts etc. Release any issues with a sibling during this time. Pluto, your ruling planet, remains retrograde and so your inner journey continues. The month starts slowly with Mars, your co-ruler, in the sign of Taurus. However, things start to progress from July 21st, when Mars changes sign. The asteroid Pandora continues her journey through Gemini, so your focus remains on exploring the deeper side of life, something that Scorpio's love to do. Click on the link below to find out more about Scorpio -

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)

The first few weeks of July bring the focus onto joint resources, loans and taxes. The New Moon in Cancer on July 6th is the perfect time to start an esoteric practice or to go into partnership with someone in this area. When the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd, your focus shifts to your desire to travel and to learn. Teaching may also become an attractive proposition at this time. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st highlights your ability to make money. Continue to release any doubts you may have about your own resourcefulness under this second Capricorn Full Moon for the year. Jupiter, your ruling planet, continues to move through the first half of Gemini and life remains busy. The square from Saturn in the third week of July may see you feeling blocked. Channel your actions and you won't go wrong. The asteroid Pandora continues her journey through Gemini, encouraging you to take a close look at your relationships. If you'd like to discover more about Sagittarius, click on the link below -

CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 21

Your close relationships will be highlighted during the first few weeks of July. The New Moon in Cancer on July 6th brings the opportunity to start over in a close relationship. It can also be a good time to start counselling if you are so inclined or indeed a counselling job. When the Sun changes sign into Leo on July 22nd, your thoughts turn to the depth of your connections with others. The Full Moon in your sign on July 21st brings the focus directly onto you. This is the second Capricorn Full Moon this year, so use this time for self exploration and release anything that no longer reflects who you are. Saturn, your ruling planet, remains retrograde. The cosmos asks you to remain focused on your inner life. The square from Jupiter in the third week of the month may bring some philosophical wisdom.

The asteroid Pandora continues her journey through Gemini, so your focus remains on your health. Click on the link below for more information about Capricorn.

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19)

During the first few weeks of July, your health will be your priority. Take some time out for self-care. The New Moon in Cancer falls on July 6th and brings the opportunity to start a new routine or a new health regime. When the Sun changes sign into Leo on July 22nd, you may find yourself connecting with others one-on-one, rather than in your preferred group setting. The second Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn falls on July 21st. Once again, the cosmos is asking you to explore any emotions that may arise during this time. Uranus, your ruling planet, makes a strong connection to the fixed star Algol this month, which may bring sudden worries. Saturn, your co-ruler, remains retrograde, so any worry that does arise will most likely remain hidden from others. The asteroid Pandora continues her journey through Gemini, encouraging you bring more fun into your life. If you'd like to discover more about Aquarius, click on the link -

PISCES (February 19 - March 20)

Children and creative expression will be the main focus for the first few weeks of July. The New Moon in Cancer on July 6th is a wonderful time for starting a new hobby or creative project. It's also the perfect time to start a new project with a child. When the Sun changes sign into Leo on July 22nd, your focus will turn towards your daily routines. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st is the second Full Moon in this sign. Continue to release any issues you might have with a friend. It's also a great time to review your wishes, hopes and dreams. Neptune, your ruling planet, remains retrograde, asking you to continue your inner journey. Jupiter, your co-ruler, is currently in a challenging aspect to Neptune, so you may feel at odds with some aspects of yourself this month. The asteroid Pandora continues her journey through Gemini, so see your home as your sanctuary and use it as your peaceful place.

You can find out more about Pisces by clicking on the link below -

If you enjoyed reading your forecast for the month of July and would like to book a consultation for a more in depth reading, click on the link below.

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