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Pandora's Blog

Aug 9, 20213 min read
Your Guardian Angel
We all have our own guardian angel, but did you know that each sign has a special angel assigned to it as well? Aries - The angel...
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Jul 26, 20212 min read
Marriage and the Moon
A great deal of planning goes into a wedding these days. We want the right venue, dress, flowers, rings - the list goes on. However, not...
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Jul 24, 20212 min read
Understanding the Leo's in Your Life
It's incredibly helpful to be aware of the Sun sign (or star sign) of the people around you as it gives you information about their true...
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Jul 1, 20215 min read
Motherhood - What's Your Style? Using the Moon to Guide Us.
In a birth chart, the Moon describes our mother. To find our own mothering style, we need to look at the Moon by sign and house, as well...
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Jun 24, 20215 min read
The Lost Planets
Unaspected planets are unintegrated. They have no influence on other planets and are not influenced by other planets. They often exhibit...
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Jun 24, 20212 min read
Understanding the Cancers in Your Life
It's incredibly helpful to be aware of the Sun sign (or star sign) of the people around you as it gives you information about their true...
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Jun 10, 20212 min read
The Nature of Eclipses
What is an eclipse? There are two types of eclipses - solar and lunar. A solar eclipse occurs during a New Moon and a lunar eclipse...
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May 21, 20212 min read
Castor & Pollux - The Original Gemini's
Castor and Pollux were twin half-brothers. Their mother was Leda, who was married to Tyndareus the King of Sparta. Castor was said to be...
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May 7, 20214 min read
Moon Phases & Personalities
The Moon waxes and wanes in a pattern that is familiar to us all. If you watch the Moon over consecutive nights, you will see the changes...
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